Quit impressive
I always wanted to make al Flash with the same concept. I did not think it was possible. So one of my first Pro points is: You made it possible!
Bad points:
Lack of Framerate. By enlarging the picture you make the player feel like moving forward, but in same time it consumes a lot capicity of the PC. It really slows down the feel of the whole game.
Its difficult and bad balanced. You can not dodge or guard yourself in any way, so the only oppertunity to survive is to kill your enemys before they do. But your weapons are to weak, so that its mostly impossble to go trough a fight without losing much health.
Your hand often stucks before an object you want to pick up, making it quit difficult to click on the rigth spot.
The levels are quite empty and poor detailed.
Good points:
Great animations of your "hand" and weapons, especially the reloads.
Nice atmosphere. Your choice of sounds is great.
The healthbar of the soldiers are integrated in the helmets. I loved this little detail.
All in all a great demonstration of future porjects. I am looking forward for the (improved ) sequel. Excuse my spelling...